Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 25, 2009

10 months old.

Riley is 10 months old today. He is approxmetly 18 pounds and is a very very busy boy. He is taking steps on his own and i know any day he will be full on walking. I am scarred he is only 10 months old. He is waving Hi and bye-bye. he snaps his fingers, gives high 5 and is eating people food. He is talking a lot more these days and even is saying words. Mama, dada, baba, hi and dog. He is having so much fun exploring new things and Dan and I are right there having fun with him.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Riley's First shoes

Riley has had many shoes. probably more than any baby would need. But now that he is taking steps and only days away from walking we got him his first REAL shoes. Check them out they are so cute.

A very Busy June

We have had a very busy start to Summer. I am playing on a baseball team at work. We are the Birthing Ballers and although we are not very good, we are having a good time. Dan and Riley come to watch our games and they are very proud on mommy. We celebrated Liam's 1st b-day and Fathers day. Riley passed swimming lessons and got his guppy certificate. We have been having play dates with cousins, playing in the water, a trip to Westport and a visit from Grandma Connie. Check out the slide show of all the fun so far

Monday, June 1, 2009

Riley sleeps........ YEA

Riley is now sleeping through the night for the most part. He still fights going to bed,. I think he doesn't want to miss anything. Well we are very happy because now mommy gets to sleep more. =)

The Two of US

The Two of US

Family Picture.

Family Picture.

The Parents to be

The Parents to be
we cant wait to meet our new member of the family.

Daisy and Duke

Daisy and Duke
Big sister and brother can't wait to meet the baby